Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pierre Hebert - Fraction Part2 - Improvised image and music

Fraction et Pierre Hébert en concert à la Maison de la culture d'Amiens, 29 janvier 2011, partie-2
Extract of the live performance of Pierre Hebert & Fraction@Amiens, France. 20/01/2011. Image and music are improvised.

Fraction - Part Two

Part One and Three are also online at youtube
Part One -
Part Three -

Live Visual Music Event

USC School of Cinematic Arts Event - Rhythms and Visions: Expanded and Live!

The USC School of Cinematic Arts and Visions and Voices: The USC Arts & Humanities Initiative invite you to experience a live visual music sensation on Friday, April 22nd!

"The School of Cinematic Arts Complex will be taken over and transformed by Rhythms and Visions: Expanded and Live! a spectacular outdoor live-cinema event merging animation and visual media with live acoustic and electronic music.
Exciting and innovative UK audio-visual collective D-Fuse and Los Angeles artist Scott Pagano will perform to music by notable musicians Brian King, Trifonic, Brian LeBarton and MB Gordy. These cutting-edge performances will span animation, experimental documentary and abstract visual music. The School of Cinema Arts complex will come alive with large animation and 3-D stereoscopic projections by faculty and students. 3-D glasses will be provided."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Georges Schwizgebel - Fugue (1998)

Beautiful use of sound and image and animation and narrative and structure. Had to share it.

"Director: Georges Schwizgebel
Year: 1998
Michèle Bokanowski - Composition
Gerard Frémy - Piano
Olivier Bokanowski - Piano
Virginie Simonean - Harp"

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jane Cassidy - Visual Music Piece

Jane Cassidy's visual music piece "The Night After I Kicked it" is a stunningly beautiful well structured visual music composition. Jane composed the visuals and music.

 Having watched closely as Jane composed this piece, it was really a pleasure to see and hear this wonderful work unfold over a period of months. I love this piece.
It is now on vimeo - but to see it in full quality with surround sound audio is the best way to experience this piece. However for its visual music genius, great to watch on vimeo.

The Night After I Kicked It from Jane Cassidy on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

luminokinetika /// trailer

Davor Sanvincenti / b.1979 / is a International multimedia artist from Croatia, also known by monikers such asMessmatik and Gurtjo Ningmor

International multimedia artist from Croatia, specifically interested in a field of audiovisual research and anthropology of visual culture, particularly focused on the conditions and forms of human senses and perceptions.
His work plays with the concept of illusion, exploring the possible boundaries of perception and the construction of experience.
He is recipient of the Radoslav Putar Award 2010 for the best Croatian artist under 35.


Hauntingly Beautiful Piece

luminokinetika /// trailer from messmatik on Vimeo.

see also:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rectangle & Rectangles (1984) - Réné Jodoin

This is a didactic film in disguise. A progression of brilliant geometric shapes bombard the screen to the insistent beat of drums. The filmmaker programmed a computer to coordinate a highly complex operation involving an electronic beam of light, color filters and a camera. This animation film, without words, is designed to expose the power of the cinematic medium, and to illustrate the abstract nature of time.


website url:

More information on the filmmaker on the NFB website

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Silk Chroma - Visual Music Piece

I was lucky to be involved in the creation of the visual music visuals for a collaborative work entitled "Silk Chroma". Working as a collaborative team to create this work was a wonderful experience. The Irish composer Linda Buckley was a pleasure to work with and the electro-acoustic composition that she composed is beautiful. Linda and I worked closely together to realise the ideas for the work, interestingly Linda described much of the music she would like to create in visual terms that really appealed to me and inspired the visuals. Similarly some visuals and still images that I created inspired sounds and timbres for Linda. Good stuff.

Silk Chroma is an audio-visual work that is inspired by the novella Silk by Alessandro Baricco as a conceptual framework for the creation of a Visual Music colour presentation, with an accompanying electro-acoustic musical composition using synthesized timbres and a surround sound presentation.

Silk Chroma was created by staff teaching on the Music and Media Technologies (MMT) postgraduate programme at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and University of York, UK. MMT silk chroma team: Dr. Dermot Furlong, Dr. Linda Buckley, Maura McDonnell and University of York:  Dr. Gavin Kearney.

screengrab from scene 1 - Silk Chroma
The premiere presentation of Silk Chroma as audio-visual installation took place in the Printing House in Trinity College, Dublin as part of the Innovation Dublin 2010 on November 11th and 12th, 2010.

Visual Music: Maura McDonnell
Music Composition: Linda Buckley
Surround Sound Composition: Gavin Kearney
Concept: Dermot Furlong

Website Links:
MMT music and media technologies course, TCD, Dublin - Link
vimeo website - Link

The video is for viewing on vimeo in three sections.

Section 1 - Water flow over his body

Silk Chroma - Section 1 - Water Flow Over His Body from Silk Chroma on Vimeo.

Section 2 - Silk threads stopped time

Silk Chroma - Section 2 - Silk Threads Stopped Time from Silk Chroma on Vimeo.

Section 3 - Birds in flight

Silk Chroma - Section 3 - Birds in Flight from Silk Chroma on Vimeo.

Purform - WHITE BOX | Excerpts

"A/V performance for a tryptic of HD video screens and quadraphonic audio White Box is a work based on a new way of generating A/V compositions in real time and is a new piece in a cycle that began in 2003 with Black Box."


WHITE BOX | Excerpts from Purform on Vimeo.